Freitag, 20. September 2013

WIEN 10.-14.11.2013 Online POD´s Stellen, wo du an Access Consciousness Online-Klassen in einer Gruppe teilnehmen kannst.

Jetzt gibt es 2 POD´s in WIEN 1.) Global BARS am 10.10. der "7 Leaders" und vom 11.-14.10. Foundation & Lev.1 mit "Gary Douglas". WEIP? 


10.10.2013 in Wien Access BARS Klasse mit den "7"

11.-14.10.2013 in Wien Foundation & Lev.1 mit Gary Douglas 
Host/Brigitte Ilseja Steiner, An kana Te - Academy
Beides sind Spätklassen (ca. 16.30 Uhr) - durch die Liveübertragung aus Houston/Texas. 

Info zum Kurs:
Prerequisites: Access Bars

In Access Foundation you will receive the “foundational” tools of Access Consciousness®. There is a lot of verbal processing, going to the point of creation and undoing major limitations, implants and programs that start to get you out of judgment so you can function from a place of ease, joy & glory. You will receive a manual and there are tools offered to create and invite a greater life for you in all areas. You can change the specifics of any life situation. This truly is not to be missed.... as Access is always changing, it is quite dynamic to be in a class with Gary following the energy and changing everything! What else is possible?®

1 Kommentar:

  1. ...das war eine super Global Bars Klasse mit den 7 Trainern. Power, Information, Wissen, Weisheit, Tipps, Ideen, Anregungen u.v.m. Vielen Dank an Euch ALLE ♥
